To celebrate the launch of the new adidas SolarBOOST running shoe we were tasked with creating and installing an interactive brand space where guests could upgrade to the best running tech around, collecting giveaways before embarking on a mapped run around town. Our aim was to not only excite consumers about the running shoe itself, but also to demonstrate within the experience, the innovative technical excellence inspired by NASA engineering that’s employed to create adidas SolarBOOST.
Taking over the existing adidas female fitness studio on Brick Lane, London our goal was to take consumers on a journey through the different elements of the innovative materials employed by the shoe.
We designed a highly creative immersive environment within which guests could explore the site and merits of the shoe design. We employed various physical set build and digital effects guiding guests down an electric blue mirrored tunnel with pulsing lighting effects and a bold rising sun inspired show display, through to a maze of gauze, lasers, LED walling within which the shoes levitated in mid air.
There whole building set across 3 floors was transformed to encourage engagement with the product, including a landscaping of the exterior garden, redesign and fit-out of social spaces and locker rooms.
Throughout the 2 week long event, the client invited retail industry professionals, press and influencers to the site.
@adidasLondon #SolarBOOST #createdwithadidas