One of the world’s most beloved characters, Mickey Mouse, turned ninety in 2018. In honour of this milestone, Pandora collaborated with Disney to design a special edition Mickey’s 90th charm. An exclusive cinema event was hosted over three days, and Pandora brought the Kit & Caboodle team in to produce it.
For this event we transformed the top floor of the flagship Pandora store at Marble Arch into a bespoke cinema experience. The event of the aesthetic was classic Hollywood as an ode to Mickey’s original appearance in Steamboat Willie. With a black and gold colour scheme, vintage popcorn machine and vintage photo booth, the nostalgic atmosphere was really brought to life. From custom graphics on the photo booth backdrop to #DisneyXPandora on popcorn bags and balloons, no detail was overlooked. Throughout the day shoppers on Oxford Street were able to come up to the event space to enjoy free sweets and snap a picture. In the evening, ticketed guests were able to attend an exclusive screening of Fantasia in a “secret cinema” style event. These guests were thrilled to receive goody bags including a set of Mickey Mouse ears, and Hotel Chocolat sweets and bubbly.
Guests loved the unique space and moment of nostalgia that was created through the bespoke décor, and our client was just as thrilled! Through the event we helped increase Pandora’s sales of the special edition charm and were able to generate over 90,000 impressions around the event.
We pride ourselves on creative design at Kit & Caboodle and are told time and again how we excel in this area, impressing clients beyond expectations. Naturally, we were thrilled to know we had achieved that accolade again with Pandora saying that, "[Kit & Caboodle's] visuals were almost an exact replica of what was produced" and thus we had “…brought their vision to life in every detail.”